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The New Paradigm In Health is Here!

Global Commission for Accreditation of Integrative Medicine TR

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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The Global Commission for Accreditation for Integrative Medicine (GCAIM)™ has been established to define, assess, oversee, regulate, and accredit the practice of Integrative medicine globally. This includes the use of Integrative medicine and Integrative healthcare applications in clinics, research centers, practices, offices, universities, hospitals, ministries, churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, shrines, and all other institutions where it may be in application, use, and practice. It is the sacred mission of the interfaith committee, comprised of representatives and respected members of integrative, scientific, naturopathic, spiritual coalition to define, structure, oversee and establish ethical, moral, spiritual standards for the accreditation and practice of Integrative Medicine globally.

The healing model is vast and complex. It is an entity which is constantly evolving and adapting to the needs and challenges of not only the environment (both inner and outer), but also to the needs of the times. What was approved, applicable and practiced as the “standard of care” in years gone by will be replaced with a more efficient, effective, and ever evolving practice for the now established integrative model. In fact, many of the practices and standards which physicians and other health care providers were once expected to adhere to, comply with and not deviate from, are now outdated, banned and seen as deviation from standard of current practice, and even sometimes shown to be harmful to human health. Healing and all its variants are both and art and a science.


Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical world through observation and experiment. Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. A fact is a thing which is “known” or proven to be true. Well, one cannot verify whether something is true or not unless its subjected to the scientific method, and this of course is a method of procedures consisting of systematic observation, measurements and experiments and hence the formulation, testing and modification of hypothesis. All of this is based on research. This is why the GCAIM™ cannot emphasize the importance of research strongly enough. Breakthroughs and establishment of effective and useful new paradigms, benefiting both those receiving care and those involved in administrating it are only taking place because of the selfless dedication of devoted individuals in the human world being involved in research.


When the word physician is used, it typically means doctor that practices general healing (as opposed to a surgeon). Physician is an old word, being around since antiquity and as such, no entity can lay proprietary claim to it. It was used by ancient Greeks, Persians, Chinese, Indian, Tibetan, Christian, Islamic, Judaic and other cultures to denote “one who heals”. Its roots are both Greek and Latin (“Physic”), meaning “natural science and medicine”. The Medicine.Net definition of physician is “a person who is trained in the art of healing”. Since healing is an ever-evolving science, the foundation of healing and its evolution has always been rooted in research. Research Physicians (or physician-scientists) are individuals who are holders of medical degrees, acceptable qualifications, or those deemed to be equivalent for purposes of research. They are involved in research whether it is academic or clinical, under acceptable research protocols. Research physicians who have been approved and certified to conduct care/counseling research (see GCASM™ commission) under the established GCASM™ research protocols fall into this category.


The GCAIM™ emphasizes the importance of research. Research should be distinguished from “practice” of an art, trade or profession. In fact, all care/counseling not only have the potential to provide invaluable data in order to benefit future generations but also provide a healing platform. Integrative medicine is considered the new paradigm in the healing model. This is the healing system that takes into account the “whole person”, including all aspect of a person’s lifestyle. Environmental factors play a very important role in this model. In this model, both those involved in the administration of the care and healing and those receiving it are partners in the co-operative healing process, which it is based on dedication and trust. All variables that impact health, wellness and illness are taken into consideration including the body, mind and in particular, the spirit. It allows for the incorporation of conventional, as well as complementary methods in order to acknowledge and take advantage of the healing gifts given by the Creator. The integrative medical model neither rejects nor blindly accepts the norms of the ever-changing standards of conventional medicine nor uncritically and unquestioningly accepts all that is associated with non-conventional healing systems.


The individual involved in the administration of care/counseling and the one receiving it are co-trustees in the healing equation. Empowerment of the individual involved in the administration of care/counseling to have free, unrestricted choice is paramount. This healing system is based on science, and for science to become valid, research is critical. Therefore, the foundations of the GCAIM™ are based on facilitating the free and unhindered research in the quest for the search of truth. Had this research not taken place, and the standard of care was blindly adhered to, physicians would still be advocating the use of substances such as mercury, or arsenic and endorsing practices such as cigarette smoking (which was once an AMA and medical establishment approved protocol) to calm the nerves. The case in point? These were approved standard practices but like many others which were steadfast embraced and promoted, have been shown to be not only unacceptable but downright harmful and dangerous to health and welfare of humans.


Many of today’s “standard of care” practices will need to be reconsidered and reassessed as well. How many of these will be deemed to be harmful or unnecessary in the future? Dedicated and morally based research helps modify, correct and even eliminate such erroneous practices. Integrative Medicine is based on the premise that good medicine and healing is based on good science and this needs to be inquiry driven. In practical terms, this translates into sincere, dedicated research which will allow the healing community be open to embracing new paradigms. Integrative medicine also emphasizes that practitioners learn, embody and practice the principles of self-exploration, self-development and self-improvement.


This is why we advocate and teach the “heal the healer” concept. One cannot be a role model if he/she does not walk the walk. This is the first step healers need to take in their quest to provide health and prevent illness, not only in their patients but in themselves. The GCAIM™ emphasizes global education. This will work in tandem and cooperation with different organizations in the world of healing. It is based on a model which is constantly evolving and adapting to address the challenges faced by individuals, communities and populations in the global community. Our research will embody all parameters including laboratory science, psycho-social, and spiritual/scientific as well as environmental areas.


Our end goal is the promotion of global health and wellness. Spiritual medicine, a strong foundational component of integrative medicine, is considered to be the oldest form of medicine and healing in the world. Its roots go back to the earliest periods of humanity and it has influenced the current healing models throughout the world. In many parts of the world today, Integrative Medicine will one day be the primary form of healing used to address global health issues. All forms of healing come from the Divine Source. It is an ever-evolving phenomenon whose primary tools are faith, hope and love. This is emphasized in the Global Commission for the Accreditation of Spiritual Medicine (GCASM). Faith is the antidote to fear, worry, sorrow and pain. It is an integral part of spirituality and embraces the presence of God, the Divine, the higher universal power, Creator, and known to many in different forms and names throughout the world. It is the belief in what we know is true but cannot be seen directly. Hope is the enabler, which allows people to access the higher power to “let go and let God” take over so that the highest degree of good for the highest outcome may be anticipated, and with the right (Divine) guidance, realized. Love is the means of expression which is believed to exist in all persons, allowing them to make a difference in their own lives and in the lives of others. It embodies affection, kindness and compassion.


The highest degree of love is manifest in all beings. Faith, hope and love are all vital components of spirituality, a quality which allows us to connect with not only the divine but the divine within spirituality. It is the manifestation of the highest degree of love, manifesting on the super-conscious level, well above and beyond the conscious and subconscious. It has been recognized by the earliest healing teachers that while there are physical diseases, there are also diseases of spiritual origin. In fact, many spiritually attuned scientists attribute the foundation of the vast majority of diseases to imbalances of the spiritual dimension rather than that of the psychological or the physical one. Therefore, diseases of spiritual origin need to be addressed with spiritual-based approaches.


As such, care/counseling and all interventions need to consider this issue. Medicine is the art and science of healing. For healing to take place, there must be harmony of the mind, the body and the spirit. All three must be balanced or brought in to balance so that emotional health and well-being can manifest. This complex equation of the integration and harmonious unity of the emotional healing makes it such that is virtually impossible to effectively isolate any one of the components from the other. They are components of “The Whole”. The original system of medicine and healing incorporated the harmony of the universal elements, including animals, minerals, plants, humans, and of course phenomena of the universe itself. Principles of Shamanism, Metaphysics, Mysticism, Karmic influences, Spiritualism, Natural Healing, Divination, miracles and other systems and phenomena were integrated into the healing model. The foundation of Integrative Medicine embraces the fact that at the quantum level, the level at which integrative medicine works, the mind, the body and the spirit are manifestations of energy, namely, vibrational energy resonating at different frequencies. These have been thoroughly researched and validated by spiritual scientific masters such as Nicolai Tesla and Albert Einstein, both of whom changed the world with their theories and laws of energy. Both have been strongly influenced by spiritual concepts and revelations.


What the ancients called the “spirit” is now beginning to be referred to in scientific terms as vibratory energy. This is the foundation of what can be described (by Dr Richard Gerber) as “Vibrational Medicine.” Vibrational medicine allows the evolving medical model to be assessed in terms of quantum physics laws at the most foundational level, and this is light. Scriptures are full of references to light. The foundation of bio-photonics is the communication medium between cells. Proper alignment and harmonious communication via light allows healthy communication between cells. This has been thoroughly investigated and put forth by Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, who was considered by many to be the father of “bio-photonics”. The essence of what comprises the spirit, soul, and consciousness has preoccupied scientists, philosophers, and theologians, throughout the centuries. Dr. Popp has stated “we know today that man is essentially a being of light”. Molecular interactions are essentially electrical and at the vibratory frequency or quantum level, this pertains to bio-photonic communication. This is essential for balance and harmony of all DNA. Life begins with the opening of life channels and ends with their closing. The more complex the organism, the fewer the number of bio-photons need to be emitted. Molecules send out electric magnetic frequency waves that let them see and hear one another. This is an information transfer medium. Light channels have even been identified in the body’s cells. Disease is an alteration of light. Dr. Popp has even indicated that cancer is a loss of coherent light, whereas a disease such as MS is a condition where too much light is taken in, impairing the cells’ ability to maintain homeostasis.


In the most common condition known to humanity, stress, bio-photonic emission increases in an attempt to restore the patient’s equilibrium in the times that we are living in, stress has been cited to be one of the foundational culprits in the formation of disease. Therefore, the GCAIM™ has been established to investigate such phenomena, and integrate these into the medical model so that the work of previous spiritual scientists can be taken to a higher level. Matter and energy, which need to be in harmonious balance for health to manifest is a variable of vibrational frequency, namely light. The ancients referred to this as the spirit. While measurement devices were not available in that period of time, they are today, and will be used in our investigational research. The spiritual, psychic, emotional, and physical immune systems are deeply related. They cannot be separated. Practices, applications, and procedures that enhance the immune system at all levels are those which restore harmony between the elements of the mind/body/spirit.


This is a cornerstone of Integrative Medicine. The roots of such practices can be found in cultural, spiritual and scriptural foundations. While the messages in these traditions are encoded and detailed in the language of the day, the evolution of science and technology has allowed us to research, decipher and access such practices in light of the “scientific method”. The spiritual scientists who are awarded certifications by the GCAIM™ will not be working in the capacity of a physician, healthcare provider or practitioner who makes a diagnosis and provides a treatment, seeking a cure. They will become Research Scientist™, Research Clinicians™ and Research Physicians™.


The GCAIM™ IRB researcher is a spiritual scientist who operates in a legally protected, ethical and spiritually based foundation utilizing the latest implements of modern technology, when choosing to bridge the union between spirituality and science. The GCAIM™ IRB has been established to provide a platform for research into methodologies that show promise to ultimately improve cellular harmony via improved bio-photonic communication between the body’s cellular components on the quantum level, ultimately restoring health and wellness. Evidence of such systems (without benefit of today’s technology) can readily be found in early Ayurvedic, Egyptian, African, Chinese, Greek, Aboriginal, Tibetan, Shamanic, Indigenous, and many other early systems including possibly the remnants of the Atlantean system. While current Western-based medical systems rely heavily on “science”, its technological implements and tangible aspects of an individual’s issues, a spiritual and integrative medicine-based system embodies the concept of a unity of the mind, body, spirit, emotions and acknowledges the validity of karma, intuition, higher spiritual knowledge, illumination, revelations, miracles and the role of the human spirit as opposed to a view point which considers only physical manifestations.


It is time to embrace the truth that integrative-based solutions, when combined with a sound foundation for afflictions impacting the imbalance of mind/body/spirit harmony, may defy explanation by “the scientific method”. It is also time for Spirituality, Complementary, Naturopathic, Integrative and Conventional Medicine to become unified and merged into a model for the future which will provide guidelines for responsible, ethical research within and in between the many realms.

About us

Our Goal

To establish global standards for accreditation of Integrative Medicine.


To provide an ethical platform using established guidelines for research, validation and certification in the use of investigational, academic and clinical research protocols for the purpose of gathering data in accordance with the investigational review board guidelines which are in congruity with local and international law, put forth by the United Nations charter, Helsinki accord, Native American, Indigenous and other treaties.

To provide foundational tools for all generations to come so that these goals can be perpetuated.


To promote education and resource allocations that are related to the integrative healing dimension, and to create guidelines globally for institutions to study and disseminate wisdom which will help people understand and overcome problems of psychological, psycho-social, emotional, physical and spiritual imbalance.

Our Goal

Accreditation Process

Accreditation by the GCAIM™ is a sign of recognition and validates the integrity, professionalism and high standards of the entity. It will delineate those institutions such as practices, healing centers, research clinics, universities, colleges, hospitals, surgical centers, churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, shrines, ministries and all other institutes which embrace research and teach Integrative Medicine, from those which have yet to achieve accreditation and accredit these accordingly.

In the world of healthcare, there are organizations which accredit hospitals, clinics, universities, surgical centers, etc. These are accepted by the public as organizations which exist to set a bar for standardization of practice. All have begun with a vision and mission to benefit humanity and have developed and expanded to where they are today.

The GCAIM™ is the standard which has been established to assess, oversee, regulate and accredit the practice of Integrative Medicine globally and will assess and evaluate entities seeking accreditation. This commission has been established as an accreditation commission and is intended to assess these entities, and in order for them to be considered for such, they will have been deemed to be of the utmost degree of ethical, legal, moral, spiritual and emotional character and possessive of intuitive awareness high enough to qualify to administer care/counseling for the purpose of harmonizing the mind, the body and the spirit in addressing afflictions and health challenges of all nature and have extensive knowledge of the harmonies among and between universal elements. It also denotes that an institution is subject to continual review, oversight, and regulation.

The commission will function to assure that the organization accredited along with its certified health professionals will maintain connectivity with that which is for the highest good and outcome on a super-conscious, conscious and subconscious level through sincere faith in a spiritual, scientific care/counseling research, routinely embracing and activating the intention in the management of their own life and decision making process so that the highest outcome is realized. It will operate from an inner core of faith, hope and love consistently expressed in the interrelationship to people regardless of differences in race, religion, gender, physical appearance, regional derivation and philosophically diverse opinions.



Who Governs the Global Commission for Accreditation of Integrative Medicine (GCAIM)™?

The Global Commission is a global trusteeship governed by a committee of individuals who have come together to serve on an interfaith and interdisciplinary alliance known as the governing board. This is part of a global humanitarian alliance structured to promote a humanitarian vision. They are persons who have earned respect for their work in the healing and humanitarian sciences. They have assumed the commitment to serve for a period of two years. They are voting rights members. There are also other members sitting on a spiritual scientific advisory board. Since Integrative medicine is based on the harmony between the mind, the body and the spirit, this individuals acknowledge that the spiritual dimension is just as important, if not more than all the rest. The committee is responsible for enacting and amending policy, overseeing and assessing research and establishing guidelines for Integrative Medicine. It is also responsible for assessment of an institution for its potential to become eligible for accreditation


How does an organization become eligible for accreditation?

An entity and/or its members can become eligible for accreditation by first submitting a written request to the board detailing its mission statement, its vision, charter, articles of incorporation, type of organization it is, background on members of its staff and board of directors, protocols of operation, reasons for seeking accreditation, including usual and customary operational integrative, scientific, naturopathic and spiritual scientific research protocols and educational standards. A description of the physical facility along with photographs will also need to be provided. How it intends to function as an accredited entity must be indicated along with other detailed information as maybe deemed pertinent to its status as a potentially accredited organization. Once the formal application is presented, reviewed favorably by the board, provisional accreditation may be granted, and a probationary period of one year will need to pass before full accreditation can granted. Approval will be for a period of 2 years and it will be eligible for renewal every year thereafter. All information provided will be privileged, confidential and protected by law.


Is it possible for the accreditation of an entity to be revoked?

Yes, deliberate misconduct, ethical breaches, and other actions which are incompatible with the high moral and ethical standards of the Global Commission, will result in revocation. The Global Commission reserves the right to conduct site visits either before, during and/or after the accreditation process.

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© 2021 Global Commission for Accreditation of Integrative Medicine TR.

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